Mazzi Wampamba
Margaret-Anne Mazzi Wampamba was born in Uganda years ago. She is now a retired civil servant of the United States Government at the National Science Foundation (NSF). She also worked at other U.S. government agencies, i.e. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). At NSF, she worked with scientists in various directorates supporting scientific research funding.
Before moving to USA, Ms. Wampamba lived in the United Kingdom where she did her college education. She also attended college in Paris, France for both traditional and modern French language.
During her retirement she continues to support those who seek funding for scientific research especially in materials science. Her main hobby is writing. She has published 3 children’s books, one poetry book and her latest novel, The Virgin Journey, which is a trilogy.
Ms. Wampamba is very well travelled all over the world and she enjoys gourmet entertaining. She loves the arts and thrives on donating her time to the unfortunate all over the world. She lives in Kampala, Uganda and Falls Church, Virginia, USA.